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Written and as told by ''' David Itamae'''
Written and as told by ''' David Itamae'''
This was a dedicated piece I did for one Evangeline Wind and any other who lost someone they loved and ever feel empty even at the slightest of moments.

Latest revision as of 06:30, 31 March 2007

Written and as told by David Itamae

This was a dedicated piece I did for one Evangeline Wind and any other who lost someone they loved and ever feel empty even at the slightest of moments.

This is a taleof loved ones and friendships. It is my hope that within these words I capture the essance of the ties that move and shape our lives. I have come in contact with many people. Some I would rather not have met at all. while others to this very day I dont know how I could live without. Though my personal feelings may indeed have influence everyone has enriched my life and I'M better for them all.

In the meadows of Satoo, lying there on the banks of a river sits a woman. Everyday she goes there to watch the fish swim pasted the mighty current. She looks to the mighty who gracefully pass with ease upstream. Then on others she gazes at the young who try desperately struggling to pass. Sadly they do not however and go floatig back into the pond from which they came.

One day a man approached her as she sat. Still watching the fish she had not paid no mind to the stanger that drew near. Finally she caught gaze and saw that he was motioning if he could sit. Politely nodding her head and smiling she gestured for him to have a seat. " I have watched you awhile", he said calmly. "You never seem to move from that spot. What is it about fish that has you so enchanted? he said suddenly. Sitting up straighter now she calmly looks at him and slowly points toward two fish struggling in the water. The man shakes his head and lifts himself up. Seeing as though he was a fool to try to talk he simply leaves.

The lady looked to the river seeing its flow calming. to this she smiled and lifted herself up. She begins to walk down a narrow beaten pathway. To the end of this pathway she comes to an old cottage. On the outside you could see the decay of many years wear. The rotting wood on the roof and the patching where holes used to be. This in contrast to the beauty of the trees and flowers on the outside of the home. She walks up th steps and stops in front of thouse, smiles to herself and walks inside.

Inside the home was much more than the outside. Nothing was out of place nor clutter inside any room it was clean. The lady took special care as she gazed upon it all with a loving glance. As if tired from a long day she simply closed the door and went to the bedroom.

In the following day as the lady makes her approach to the river she is greeting by an interesting surprise. A little girl was there weeping along the banks. Crying hard and full of tears sprinkling the water endlessly. The lady still made her approach as if nothing happened. The little girl startled by a sudden twig snap looked up hastefully. The little girl seeming frightened began to lift herself up and run.

Cautiously kneeling the lady slupt down and took careful her words. "Little One what is the matter? You need not run from me. I wont hurt you I promise." The little girl looked at her still with tears comming down her face. Wiping the snot and tears on her sleave she spoke softly: "M..My Mother passed away. I ...I couldn't even say good bye" With that the little girl fell back into deep tears.

Seeing this the lady put her hand on the little girls shoulder. At first the girl hesitated but feeling the calm nature instead was soothed. She looked again at the lady with her red tearful eyes and ran to hug her. Embracing the little girl the lady simply spoke softly singing to her in her ear. The little girl after so much hardship started to fall asleep. realizing the little girl was in danger she walked back up the beaten path and into the cottage.

As the little girl awoke she was greeted by the sweet smell of honey and roses. She looked around and noticed she was covered in a blanket. The sun shining in the window. She feeling a little uneasy began slowlyto get up off the made cot and look around. "Up already," said the farmiliar voice of the lady at the river. Slowly she turned and saw the lady making food and putting on a plate. "Eating this may help some child, she said lovingly.

The girl looked at the plate. It seemed to be all her favorites fresh apples and oranges. With some nuts and raisens on the other side. Sweetly the lady set down the food and went back to the small kitchen. Moments later she returned with a glass of fresh water. The little girl was hungry and she did eat happily.

As the girl finished her meal the lady sat beside her. Asking why the little girl was troubled and what has happened. The little girl feeling the sadness once again decided to fight the tears. Telling the lady everything so far in her life she felt relieved.

Once the girl was finished , the lady took her by the hand and led her down the river bed. "look at the river child and tell me what you see," said the lady. The little girl said quickly "Fishies!!!" "Good girl" said the lady Do you know what I see when I look at the river?this is my answer: "I see life always constant and never stopping. I come here everyday and watch the life fill the stream always searching to find themselves. I see the old, the young, the brave, and the weak."

The little girl looked puzzled as if unknowing and confused. Thew lady simply smiled at her and beckoned her to come back to the cottage. As if pulled by a sense of love and affection the little girl did so. As they made their way up the path the girl smiled for the first time in many days. A they neared the home the lady stopped suddenly and looked down.

"I have been waiting for you child. People very dear to you have asked me to come and ease your pain. They say you had a rough life and wish that you knew they are always there for you no matter what"

With that the lady closed her eyes and concentrated real hard. Her body began to emit a certain color blue and got brighter. Suddenly the world around the little girl was no longer the same. She looked about and saw only clouds around and beneath her feet. The sun she thought looked as if it was in a constant state of rising. Slowly she peeked her head to the right and saw her mother.

The little girl was shocked and her eyes wide with fear. She knew her mother had passed on but what was this in front of her now. As she looked away she saw more people who she knew and passed on. The little girl fell to her knees not knowing to cry scream of smile happily. She simply stared.....

The lady that she had seen in a river too was no longer there instead was a shape of a some small serpentine creature with feet. The girl gasped but nothing came out. She watched as if the world was going to destroy her from within.

The dragon spoke first : I am still the lady you met some time ago. However I am not human I am a spirit guide sent to those in need of healing and well being. These are the people who asked me to come to you.

Suddenly the girls mother stepped forward. "My child my dear sweet child you never should feel you have to say goodbye I am always with you your grandmother is always with you. You may never see us or think we are listening. However I have spent my nights looking over your bed. I wrap my arms around you every chance I get. I also am with your brother your father and evryone else who still dwells here. I love you forever and ever sweetie."

Suddenly the dragon beckened all the family to gather round and each one touched the little girl and the feeling of thier souls went into her and she was unafraid. She could feel their warmth and guidance as she stood up. She closed her eyes and felt as if she was floating on something wet.

Suddenly she awoke from water splashing in her face. She opend her eyes and looked around seeing only the fish. She stood up and saw she was at the river. It was night now and the stars filled the skys. She ran to the trotted path back to the cottage but it wasnt there. She knew she had been there she still had some pieces of orange still in her pockets. She looked around and saw only a small dark red stone. She reached to pick it up and immediately felt the warmth of the lady at the river. She closed her eyes tightly holding the stone close.

Forever will we be with you So never fear When you feel the pressures of life clutch the stone to your heart and you will find the warmth and love to guide you. Blessed be sweet little soul Blessed be....

The little girl oopened her eyes now with renewed faith.She went home and embraced her father and told him of the story she had. He simply smiled and he too held out a stone similar to hers. We are blessed to have dragons watching over us. Even if we never see them