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with additions for DracoLich and Steam Wyrms
with additions for DracoLich and Steam Wyrms
Note:  All body parts and commands are 5 characters long
Note:  All commands and most the Body Parts are 5 characters long
=== Complete Modification Cards ===
=== Complete Modification Cards ===

Revision as of 06:16, 6 August 2008

Have you had issues with your hud, but need a work around till you get a replacement? Maybe just don't want wear a hud?


Chat Line Commands

The chat line commands to customize your avatar. Works with avatars that shipped with 2.x style hud. These huds listen on channel 42 Yes the same channel used to activate breath, aura etc. [[1]]

The Five Modification Commands

text- uuid
tint- <r,g,b>
shine [1...3]
light [0...1] 
alpha [0.0...1.0]

Syntax of these commands /42 bodypart command options (notices the - sign behind the text and tint)


/42 body part text- uuid


/42 scale text- 2c828624-4dd5-8728-41f1-91b223a906b2

This applys the texture uuid to the body parts labeled scale You can find this uuid in the hud via edit linked parts then select the hex button with the texture. It will have the uuid as the name. Or you can upload your own texture. Right click it and select copy uuid of asset. Don't forget the minus sign just behind the command.


/42 body part tint- <r,g,b>


/42 wings tint- <255,0,0> This tints your wings red color. This is Red,Green,Blue values. Note this just adds color to the texture. Don't forget the minus sign just behind the command.


/42 body part shine #


/42 belly shine 3 gives your belly a shine lvl 3. Values between 1 to 3


/42 body part light #


/42 eyes- light 0.5 give your eyes that sparkel. Values between 0 to 1


/42 body part alpha #


/42 wings alpha .5 Turn your wings(feathers) halfway transparent. Values between 0.0 (full transparent) to 1.0 (fully visiable)

  • note this doesn't work on all body parts

The Body Parts

[The Body Parts]

    • note the exact spelling of body parts, and some require a trailing -

The body part codes for the most part are obvious, but there's a couple that aren't. The ones I know are as follows:

   * Scales - scale
   * Belly - belly
   * Spines - spine
   * Claws - claws
   * Whiskers - quill
   * Horns - horns
   * Eyes - eyes-
   * Wings - wings
   * Nose(Spirit HUD) - nose-
   * Nose(Egyptian HUD) - nose
   * Armor - armor (not 100% sure on this one as I don't have an actual fae, but I recall this working)
   * Tongue - tongue
   * Teeth(Wyvern Edit HUD) - blade
   * Ear Tuft - fur
   * Cloth - cloth
   * Trim - trim
   * Gem - gem
   * Gem 2 - gem2
   * Feathers(Egyptian HUD) - wings
   * Quill(Egyptian HUD) - blade 
   * Lich Bone - scale
   * Lich Skin - wings
   * Steam Blades - blade
   * Steam Frame - iron1
   * Steam Iron - iron2
   * Steam Steel - metl1
   * Steam Gears - metl2
   * Steam Cable - cable
   * Fae hair - spine

These are from end of the hud 2.x conversion page [[2]] with additions for DracoLich and Steam Wyrms

Note: All commands and most the Body Parts are 5 characters long

Complete Modification Cards

The 2.x hud supports pattern cards you can put into the hud for quick changes [[3]]