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It has always been a pleasure of mine to help when necessary. Many times in my life I had the pleasure to do some really wonderful deeds. Though small in stature by ways of contribution I have always felt good about it and has always remained a bright spot on my heart. For me I believe this to be true for many people in todays world.  
It has always been a pleasure of mine to help when necessary. Many times in my life I had the pleasure to do some really wonderful deeds. Though small in stature by ways of contribution I have always felt good about it and has always remained a bright spot on my heart. For me I believe this to be true for many people in todays world.  
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It has been an eye opener for me in to what all this really impacted. This article does not do the hospital justice nor the wonderful heart of Daryth Kennedy. It is  my hope that this will give light to what the charity means and why its important for us as beings who can make a difference to show our support. To find out more about the organization as a whole please visit their website at:  http://www.sttiggywinkles.org.uk/
It has been an eye opener for me in to what all this really impacted. This article does not do the hospital justice nor the wonderful heart of Daryth Kennedy. It is  my hope that this will give light to what the charity means and why its important for us as beings who can make a difference to show our support. To find out more about the organization as a whole please visit their website at:  http://www.sttiggywinkles.org.uk/
[[Category:Isle Charities and Contributions]]

Revision as of 02:49, 29 May 2007

It has always been a pleasure of mine to help when necessary. Many times in my life I had the pleasure to do some really wonderful deeds. Though small in stature by ways of contribution I have always felt good about it and has always remained a bright spot on my heart. For me I believe this to be true for many people in todays world.

As you know the artist and pioneer of dragons in Second Life Daryth Kennedy has always had a soft spot for hedgehogs. This is evident by her make of the Hedgehog Avatar This along with something even more significant the fact that proceeds go to charity. Yes thats right a charity oganization for injured wildlife. The St. Tiggywinkles Wildlife Hospital is the most reknown hospital in Europe, which is now spreading to other parts of the globe.

The first thing I had asked myself when looking at the avatar display is: What is St Tiggywinkles?Like many I purchased in hopes that i did my good deed for the day. It also meant I got a cool little avatar to play in. Though in the back of my mind I always wondered what is this about? Well after doing some research I got a few answers.

St Tiggywinkles origins start in 1978 when a small family began to see a need for domestic animal care in Britain. Mr and Mrs Stocker, their son Colin, and a local vet began to treat animals. Their popularity grew along with the need to be aware of the local hedgehog catastrophies happening in large number. So the family took in as many of these wonderful animals. The result was the need for a ward simply for hedgehogs. "This was duly opened amid great fanfare by Susan Hampshire on 9th August 1985 and christened 'St. Tiggywinkles', the worlds first bespoke hedgehog unit."

This did not stop there. Many other wildlife came to this new facility as well. In time the need became so large that a new campaign was launched in order to fill the need of the flooding injured animals each year. So funds were needed to make the dream a reality. With the help of many generous patrons and the royal family St Tiggywinkles grew into what is now one of the worlds best animal hospitals period.

With advancements in medicine and technology more animals are saved thanks to St Tggywinkles. On the website it was reported that the hospital recieves 70,000 calls and treats more than 5million animals each year. These animals include but are not limited to: hedgehogs, deer, hares, badgers, birds, amphibians and many many more. So next time when you think back as a child to that injured blue jay or skunk you can smile knowing that St Tiggywinkles with its treatments can make that bird fly again or the skunk happily walk about.

St Tiggywinkles maybe based in Europe but doesnt mean help should only come from there. Living in an age where technology breaks the distance barriers many hospitals around the globe look to St Tiggywinkles for guidance and treatment options. To help better the citizens of that fine state or country. Many can say they are touched by the works of St Tiggywinkles.

Care is not free. Being a nonprofit organization means they are not funded by the state. That it all comes from donations from people like you and me. This is the effort Daryth Kennedy has made to make people aware and to realize the importance of wildlife. So far Daryths charitable contributions have been over 800 USD or roughly over 210,000 LIndens. This was a rough guestimate made by the wonderful artist herself and is not a final figure. Looking over the website I foundcost of care.I was stunned. I never knew it cost so much for some really simple things. But in life or death what does money really mean. To name a small few heres a list of minor to major cost of one animal

To give life saving first aid treatment to one hedgehog £ 9.20 To x-ray a hedgehog’s fractured leg £ 17.80 To administer a course of antibiotics to one hedgehog £ 12.60 To buy a complete set of equipment to enable the safe rescue of injured large mammals £187.00 To carry out an orthopaedic operation on a muntjac deer with a fractured leg £ 422.00 To bandage a fox’s badly injured / infected leg £ 9.80 To provide essential pre-release dental treatment for a badger £ 193.00

It has been an eye opener for me in to what all this really impacted. This article does not do the hospital justice nor the wonderful heart of Daryth Kennedy. It is my hope that this will give light to what the charity means and why its important for us as beings who can make a difference to show our support. To find out more about the organization as a whole please visit their website at: http://www.sttiggywinkles.org.uk/