Legion part 5

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The Dragoness awoke to find herself being dragged. The net still securely around she was unable to move. The Net itself was made of some shadowy thread far stronger than anything used before. There was a deep magic in it that was designed to sap her of her strength. Every second she could feel a little bit more being drained from her body.

Pulling the net she observed were not men of flash and bone but skeletal in nature. They seemed unaffected by the weather and shadowy ropes. She peered into their eyes and saw only the cold blackness of nothing alive. They pushed through the terrain at alarming speeds. Seems they had planned this for a time she thought. She tried to use telepathy but was unable to communicate to anyone. Then she saw a portal ahead being opened and she braced as they entered.

The portal closed behind them the same as it had opened. The Dragoness could only see she was in a dark room. The lights here were long since exstiguished not to reveal to her a possible idea of her location. She could feel energy around the room however which gave off a sense of farmiliarity. The rooms magic was changed so that as she moved it took more of her magic similiar to the net only much stronger. She fell again in a state of dizziness and passed out again.

Zantonith was thrilled to have completed phase two of his master project. The world was now just a play ground for him and his minions. He celebrated that night with wine and women. Disregarding the tranquility of the elven stronghold perversed and defiled it. He heard songs and tales of his own bravery. Those that gave most praise he gave much in elven gold. To those not of worth he put to death for a less noble job than he believed deserved. This put many to worry to never tell a tale unless it was already spoken.

The next day the Dragoness awoke to find herself bound to the walls of the room. Great chains had been placed about her body and feet. Her wings too had been loaded with chains that the weight was to great for even the slighest of movements. These chains took the flow of energy and dispursed them to other parts of the building. They too were made of the same unbreakable materal as the net. As much as she tried she was only feeding the power of the chains ad weakened herself.

"Well madam dragon what do you think of this place here?," said a voice. "I have been long awaiting this day for many months and years. I seen you cross by one day as i had seen my revenge satisfied," said the voice continuing.

"My name is Zantonith Master Sorcerer and Necromonger," said he.

"I trust you like your accomedations. I had to be very specific for you If it wasnt I didnt think you would have enjoyed your stay and fled before I can ask you for a favor," said Zantonith. Not that you have much choice in the favor but I really am looking for my own army to be well equipped. Since dragon armor is a great find i was trusting in your help. Well just you really," said Zantonith with a grin.

He reached from under his cloak and took out a small sharp knife. In the knife was embedded with runes that gave a dark dull red color. s he reached to one of her brilliant scales began to try and cut away. Far harder than he imagined began to put alot of strain into cutting. Realizing what a fruitless effort this was stopped and smiled. "So strong you are even if you are weakened. I may just need to take it from elsewhere," said Zantonith. With that he found a weak spot on her body and cut it off. Soon after recieving the prize he left the Dragoness to the darkness.

As the evil socereror left the chamber the Dragoness could hear a voice in the distance. It called to her so weet and loving. The Dragoness recognized the voice as to belonging to the queen of the wood elves. In a gesture of acknowledgement the Dragoness spoke in a common tongue that was farmiliar to both. "It seems the evil took us in our sleep," said the Queen. "I am so sorry they have put you through so much anguish lady dragon. If there was anyway to help you I will do it," she said sweetly. Lightly the Dragoness responded then fell asleep from the hardships of the chains.

With The mightiest dragon and the queen of the elves at his feet Zantonith was ready to branch out against the world. He called fourth all his minions and held a great feast. "Tonight we drink tomorrow we fight for my empire!," he yelled. With that they danced and sung. Only the guards who never flitched at even the slightest sound or movement gazed for intruders.