Citizens Marketplace

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Isle of Wyrms – Citizen’s Market


The Citizen’s Market is the circular domed building to the north of the regular market area. This area has been created solely for community members to enjoy, use and benefit from.

You may sell or give away anything here that fits within the general theme of the Isles, which mostly just excludes obviously modern items and those of a specifically adult nature.

For example, if you have made an item for an isle of wyrms avatar and would like to sell or give it away, this is a perfect place. This is also a great spot for anything you’d like to offer to people visiting the Isles, things like scrapbooks, helpful notecards, funny hats, togas, and other free gifts.

Market Operation

The market is completely free and available for community members to sell or give away their personal creations. This is a place designed to showcase the creativity and inspiration of community members, only original art and hand-crafted items please (see “Market Etiquette” for further info).

For someone to place their things in the market they must have at least earned the Citizens title. This is done to help ensure a relatively peaceful orderly market area, on the understanding that anyone who has earned their role in the community will be respectful of the space available and market guidelines.

All items in the Citizen’s market will be returned at the end of every month. This is done to keep spaces continuously open and available to active community members. You’re welcome to place your things back in the same spot each month (if you’re quick enough), but there are no guarantees and no permanent spots. If your spot is already taken, either look for another spot or find someone to share with. If the market is full please wait till the beginning of the next month.

Scripts have not been completely disabled inside the citizens market, but must be limited to IoW Approved Vendors (there is a dispensor for a simple vendor near the first floor entrance to the Market. You must have your "IoW Citizen" group tag showing to use the dispensor). This has mostly been done to allow citizens to place whatever they’d like to sell without having any unforeseen impact on the regions resources. The best way to make your items available is to place them in a single prim and place a picture of the item on the prim, then set it to sell its contents only. (see “Tips for wise wyrms – making the most of your 10 prims”, at the bottom of this note)

If at any time you find that you need more space and prims, the ability to use more complex scripts, or just don’t want to have to re-claim your spot month-to-month, you’re welcome to apply for a stall in the regular market area. There are other marketplace venues on the Isles you can seek as well. Talk to us, we can help (See end of Rules for a list of Advisors).

Market Guidelines

For citizen’s who wish to use the market, the following are a few simple things to keep in mind:

Each market stall is a single curved prim and just enough space for a single citizen. You may choose to share your stall with a friend, but no more than two people can share any one stall.

Each citizen may place up to 10 prims in their stall. If you are sharing your space with a friend, you may each place up to 10 prims, provided they all fit within the stall.

10 prims is an absolute maximum per person: any prims over this amount will simply be returned. Should you choose to share a stall you cannot use more than 10 prims, even if your friend uses less than 10.

If a stall is completely empty, you may claim it by placing your things in it. Reserving and tying up a spot by placing a ‘coming soon’ sign or something similar isn’t allowed, nor is it fair for other citizens who could make use of the space.

If a stall is not' empty, you cannot place anything in it without the stall occupant’s permission, even if the stall isn’t entirely full.

Anything placed in a stall should fit within the boundary of the stall, without sticking up or out from it. If you’re having trouble making things fit, try re-arranging and making things a bit smaller.

Market Etiquette

As a general rule of thumb, please be mindful of the other merchants in the market around you. Never take up more than one stall, try to not place things outside your stall, especially if they block or obstruct movement. If you’re not using all the space in your spot, perhaps look for a friend to share it with. If you think you’ve ‘lost’ an item in the wall or ground, IM a mentor or guardian, they may be able to help find and return it.

All items sold in the market should be your own original creation, no exceptions. I have created the market as a place for community members to display their art and creativity, and to always have a place free of rent to display their handiwork. I will not welcome any ‘business-in-a-box’ items, second-hand freebies , or re-selling textures or art that’s not original.

If you are selling or giving away copyrighted materials of any kind, you must have the copyright holders permission. This must be verifiable and available for each and every item sold or given away. Please be aware that despite the rumors, just because it's available for download on a web site does *not* grant copyright permission. Nor does the argument that it is being given away free hold up. It is a "copy right" and that means the copyright holder has the right to determine what is done with copies of the item.

Any abuse of the space or other merchants in the Citizens market will be grounds to loose Isle citizenship. Abuse of the market area includes taking up more than your share of prims, placing giant vendors or posters outside your market stall, re-selling items or art that you didn’t personally create, or any other act deemed offensive or disrespectful of the market space.

Any guests interested in a spot in the market should seek out and politely introduce themselves to a Mentor or Guardian, to request sponsorship to become a Citizen. If you ask for sponsorship from someone that hasn’t met you or seen you around the isles, they may ask you to wait a week and ask again later. Coming to an isle event or spending time exploring and meeting people here is a great way for a Guest to find someone to sponsor them.

Tips for wise wyrms – Making the most of your 10 prims

A single Prism prim can be flattened so that the front has two separately textured faces, which can be used to display two different pictures for a single object.

If you wish to give an item away for free, you can set it to Allow Anyone to Copy, or set it to sell contents for 0L.

You can make a picture on a single prim appear to have a frame by applying a Taper value to the prim, then squishing it along the z-axis (blue values). Circle and oval shaped pictures frames can be made by using a cylinder instead of a cube. Setting a single prim to sell Contents will give the buyer a folder with the same name as the prim – they can wear or use it right away, no need to unpack.

Floating text is still possible with no scripts. Add the text in with a script before placing your item out in the market, then remove the script: the floating text will stay. To change or remove the text, take your item out of the market and add a new floating text script.

Its best to include a notecard and landmark in each prim’s contents along with the item. The notecard could include your name and any instructions or info the buyer might need. Even if it’s a pretty simple object, at least they’ll have your name and know where to get more of your items in the future.

Do not place anything you don’t personally have Transfer rights to, it will most likely end up deleted and not returned to you. This shouldn’t be a problem though, as any items placed should have been made by you.


You may IM via SL or the Isle of Wyrms Forums to any of the following for advice on finding a permanent home for your items once your tenure in the Citizens Marketplace is over or for advice on how to sell items in general that is not covered in this document.

Daryth Kennedy
Teravus Ousley
Skylarian Isachenko
Ryu Darragh
Talarus Luan
Onix Harbinger