Goblin Forest Story

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Written and as told by LadyAmber Nightfire

Goblin Forest , The faerie was lost from the night , lost from her land ,Dark is her world now , The goblins came and had taken her , the crept in to the bower of evening while she was dreaming . she was dreaming in a human form . her heart beating as mortals do . lost was her dreaming now . Lost in the goblin woods cold dark her small tears become jewels small beads of amber that roll off her cheek to fall upon the ground . Her tears became the only light in the cold darkness of the goblin woods .Shinning upon the ground , for any one lost in the goblin woods ,

but here before you now is tale of great wonder and of magick , from far away lands of deep forest and craggy mountains , came a lone creature , who watches from the shadows ,as night falls . A huge form maybe seen by a few ,with wings as black as the night. The dragon of the shadows ,From the land of dreaming ,a place where one never grows old and magick comes from the land its self .This dragon of the shadow sits watching silently,unfolding his wings , he gives shelter under them , holding close to his heart those who are small and weak or lost . As this great beast was wandering through out the enchanted lands . He came to a cold dark woods. gaseing at the stars and moon whos light did not shine in to the woods here . he ponder upon this for long while,walking the woods he saw upon the ground small amber jewels glowing softly, The only light in this dark cold place . The dragon followed the gold jewels deeper in to the woods . Their saw a small girl face wet with tears.He moved back into the shadow to watch the creature , For many days he watch here from the shadow , one day slowly , came out of the shadows . she saw him and told him of the goblens ,warned him of the danger he was in.

he heard her tale of pain and saddness, gentle wrap his wings around her, when she was calm again , this great beast told her . he wished he could make her smile. The girl looked at the wings of the dragon and said they pulled of my wings in my dreams , i can not fly with out mine . but would enjoy a ride on the wind with yours . The shadow dragon saw a way to take the girl from this place of darkness . and said i shall give you a ride, if that would make you ,smile . In to the wind out of the dark woods he flew fast and high . taking here to the land of dreaming , to his dragon home .as they past many lands he saw her change , wings formed on her back. Faerie she was again here dreaming was found again the spell broken of the goblin woods. to this day you can see a faerie dancing among the great dragons in the land of dreaming .