Tir Infernis - A Guide

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Tir Infernis – A Guide for Walkers



Tir Infernis is the centre of riding snail breeding and training in the Isle of Wyrms, and a visit to the snail stables is the high point of a visit to this sim. However, there are other delights for the rambler here, including a superb fishing area in a dramatic landscape, with water lilies galore on the water. There is a wild walk involving two vertigo – inducing bridges, leading to a fabulous viewpoint. Trails connect to neighbouring sims.

The visitor can enter from the South, via the bridge from Tir na Lir, or can descend from the Cathedral Circular Walk. This guide assumes an arrival from Tir na Lir, and a departure via the Cathedral Circular Walk.

Welcome to the Land of Dragon Fire – Tir Infernis


is the point we enter the sim, behind us is the ancient bridge from Tir na Lir. Tir Infernis is a coastal area, bounded by sea to the North and to the East. West lies Cathedral, North-West, and accessible via Cathedral lies Tir na Seilidhe – The Land of Snails. Each of these sims has, or will have, its own Guide in this series.

Our walk begins with a gentle ascent on a good path. We are traveling North West, with a sparkling river flowing on our left, and the Tir na Lir shore beyond. On the landward side, an almost vertical mountainside marches along the route of our path.

Highway and Byway


We arrive at a junction. The main path continues to ascend gently in little flights of steps, but we turn our gaze westwards to the lesser way descending to the waterside. The walk is a short one, through a pretty wood that finds shelter in the little valley. We find ourselves on a well made dock, lit by lanterns, and provided with all a fisherman could want or need. Water lilies flower profusely, and in the right light, the water sparkles invitingly. This is a wonderful spot, and deserves to be more popular.


Will take you there.

Ramble on!

And as we wind on down the road, Our shadows taller than our soul

We return to the junction, turn left, and continue to ascend, until we arrive at


The Snail Stables.

Nestling in a green valley, the stables are surrounded by flowering shrubs and apple trees (Sometimes I think the Isle of Wyrms should be called “Tir na Ubhal” – “Land of the Apple”)

If you keep still, you will see bluebirds flying, and there are rabbits in the undergrowth – you might see them if you keep really still. Snails rummage amongst the windfall apples on the grass. All in all, it is a lovely rural scene.

We pass through a gateway which has a donations box for St Tiggywinkles next to it. A path of ornate stepping stones crosses the lawn and we enter the stables. Snails gambol contentedly in an enclosure on our left as we enter. Ahead of us is a vendor where we can buy a snail as a friend, companion and memento of our visit to Tir Infernis, as well as a smaller vendor with freebies for snail owners. We can sit at a table and warm ourselves by the stove on chilly days, and learn more of St Tiggywinkles from a notice. Hedgehogs stare dolefully from pictures on the walls.

Path to the Sky

If we were not snail-borne before, we certainly should be now. We leave the stables to find a choice of routes. Intrepidly, we turn left onto a cobbled minor path that takes us North. We soon leave the pastures of the snail ranch behind, and begin an ascent. We pass trees, and enter a deep ravine, as our direction swings to the East. All of a sudden, the view opens out around us as we leave the darkness of the ravine. Two fragile looking bridges come into view, and we make our way towards them.


Marks the start of the first bridge. We cross it cautiously, trying not to look down. Once across this bridge, it is worth climbing the peak in front of us for the views of Shea Insularum and Tir na Cre. We then cross the second bridge to find ourselves on a ridge high above the ocean. There is evidence of planned construction work here, bur for the moment this is journey’s end, and we retrace our steps back to the Snail Ranch.

Up to the Circular Walk

Once at the Snail ranch, we take the other cobbled trail. We start off in a South Westerly direction, the swinging about as we leave the Ranch and its paddock The trail starts to climb, heading West, then North. A final swing to the West brings us to


We are at the junction with the Cathedral Circular Walk. A turn left would bring us back to The Sundial in Limbo fairly rapidly, and a turn right would take us North along the Cathedral Circular Walk. The choice is yours!

New Developments!

Having turned right onto the circular path and gone as far as :


we find a new branch from the trail leading off to the East. We pass another of the mysterious green circles that dot the Isle of Wyrms, before finding ourselves at the top of a precarious-looking set of ladders that take us down a cliff face. We will need to leave our snails or other steeds behind at this point, as we descend the vertical ladders. After the third ladder we reach a bridge, and a wonderful view opens up before us, if we leave the path in a Westerly direction before crossing the bridge, the wreckage of a ship lies below in the cove. I'd love to know the story of this vessel and how it came to grief, so it could be told here. The bridge leads us into Tir na Cre, of which more anon in its own Guide.

Off all the paths in Tir Infernis, but worth seeking out, is the church on the coast. You'll find this fairly easily by flying along the coastline until you see a wooden pier - land on the pier and look inland. The church has one or two secrets to yield, but I mustn't tell you any more!