Equinox Survival Guide

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Revision as of 22:52, 22 September 2006 by OnixHarbinger (Talk | contribs)

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To begin with ...

My first and foremost piece of advice is DON’T PANIC !

As the release approaches the cathedral will start getting quite crowded, and things are bound to get a bit tense. Please be respectful of others, and above all if anything should seem to go wrong (such as server crashes, payment difficulties, etc) … please remain calm :)

Normally, I will be forgiving and grant several warnings before taking action agains someone causing a disturbance. However, given the lag and already tense nature of a egg release, I will be absolutely merciless towards anyone causing a disturbance or breaking the clearly

Cardinal Rules:

 Do not for any reason sit on an egg or obstruct the eggs in any manner.
 Do not pay before you receive “Go!” in a blue Estate Message from Daryth: the SL clock 
    is not what dictates the exact time of the release. Paying early may result in a missed 
    opportunity or even lost funds!

Release etiquette:

  • Wear a basic human avatar, with very simple attachments, or even better: none at all. "Furry" avatars are okay but the less you wear the better it is for everyone.
  • Please don’t wear wings or attachments of any sort that occupy more space than your avatar: This applies especially towards invisible/transparent attachments.
  • Please disable any particle and sound effects you may have. These can add to the client side lag as well as be very annoying.
  • No inflamatory language or cursing. Please respect everyone's feelings. This is supposed to be a fun event for everyone!
  • Don't crowd the eggs. Getting closer to them wont give you an advantage and obstructing them may result in you being sent home.
  • Listen carefully to Daryth Kennedy's instructions and any requests made by her staff. (Members of the High Council of Wyrms)

Hints & Tips:

  • gfdsgfdsgfd

Frequently Asked Questions:

  • How much do I pay for an egg? Why is there no Buy option?
Answer: .......
  • Can I have a pay window open? Should I fast-pay?
Answer: .......
  • Where is my egg!? I paid for it but I haven’t received it yet!
Answer: .......
  • How do I join the Council of Wyrms?
Answer: .......
  • What if I want to buy more than one dragon?
Answer: .......