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In distant times long before my birth. The lives of my ancestors took form and created The ways which bind my family together. It was in these times that everything was fresh and new. The land, the air, sea and even the animals. These things I share not with hopes of gaining favor but to pass knowledge so history never again repeats itself.

In was in the time of the second age that a dragon Tanese was born to the clan of shadows. In his birth marked the fifth generation to be born after the Dragoness. The pride of his people glowed in his fragile wings. Dark was his face but light was in his heart. He was truely a gift to the darkness.

His youth was marked as both both grand and tragic. For among his brethren he was aspiring and popular. The shadows were deep rooted within him and all that knew him could see the gradest of the clan walk among them. To his other dragonic cousins he was an outcast a vile creature born from the dark for the dark. They liked him less than the night he represented. As he passed from them they snickered and sneered plots of evil, twisted, and sinister deeds in their minds. THey would torture and bully him by gathering stronger dragonic youth to hold him down as they blew breaths of fire and thunder. It was in this time that his parents were hunted and killed from local man tribes that walked the world in search of dominance. However his heart was of the strongest rocks and would not sway from the will that would drive him to do great deeds. It was in this respect he was most admired.

It had been some years now that Tanese had become a full fledged adult of his kin. Now with the might of shadows at his command he demostrated a kindness unknown to all other dragons save the Dragoness and her Guardians. He now was strong enough to defend himself from his childhood adversaries, and he did so with amazing prowess. They no longer gave him any trouble but in their minds still stirred the acts to defile and tarnish his name. He flew among the man tribes and harkened a mighty wind to breeze past them and their arrows. All this he did in delight once a year to honor his parents.

As the the time of passage came for the elders to look among the progeny to fill the ranks of ailing Gaurdians Tanese made it full known his intentions to forfil the role once the elder of the clan had passed. His rank grew only surpassed by the darkness in his wings. He was ready for the days ahead. However in his mind he could feel the difference in the air. Something was not right. The people all seemed so strange and distant. He could not explain the circumstances of such things, so to an oricle he went.

The oricle visit was as mysterious this time as any other. Noone could explain the reasons or powers behind the orb of devine origin. The orb though had one cost that it may only be used twice in ones life so to use it wisely was the matter of most concern. The visit came and went quickly. The orbs powers entered his mind as with any other and filled him with tidings of the past. In these things he learned of rumors spread among the clans as well as his own. The rumors of ambitious take overs and death surrounded the elders every turn. Since it was not or could not be proven, the elders stayed silent letting only their wisdom guide them to a decision. All these things the orb did show and fled from him.

The day of recognition had come at last. The elder had passed into the hoarde of the sky. His wake was to last 21 days and in the eve of the 20th night a new leader was to take his place. The new leader was to precide over the final call to the elder and release his spirit to the realm without dread or sadness. It was Tanese and more to be called and in the choosing against normal policy Tanese was over looked. His new elder was a childhood friend that he had flown over the skys with. It was in a rash moment he spoke some words that caused everyone to be alarmed and it called in question all the rumors which had sorrounded the decision to keep Tanese in his current position. At once the elders spoke in unison. To relieve Tanese of his command and position to reearn it at another time. It was in this Tanese's heart was bitter and angry. He fled the chambers and the village.

He entered the woods as a dragon but soon transformed to a human. In this form he would remain plotting against his brethren and the hypocracy that they stood for. He was full of vile and hate. His heart now like his face swept the light from it. He would wander these woods for years feasting on the blood and delacacies of all travelers near his domain. At times He would look to the sky to see his fellow dragons flying about either looking for something or having fun. To these dragons he cursed and ran from the sight of them. He would dwell in a deep underground cave unknown to all his kind.

It was on one day as Tanese strolled in the woods He saw the dragoness take flight among the woods with two Gaurdians close in tow. As he glanced at the mighty wyrm he noticed greyish silver shards leave from her body, and plummet to the world below. He came to the area of their fall and noticed some shards had burnt in the atmosphere. The others however had not and he bent down to gather them up. upon touching his skin he discovered that they cut him like nothing before seen. He gathered them all and went to his cave. In his cave he experemented with the shards and discovered not only did they pierce his humn skin but also even his dragonic scale. He grinned at the sight of this and then went to sleep.

He awoke the next morning eager as a youthen dragon in full play. Harnessing the power of the shards he took them to a witchen forge and there he crafted a mighty blade "Silverbeak". The blade fit into his hand and called to his soul. Since the shards were discarded by the Dragoness they in turn cast more doubt and grew ther thoughts that had plagued Tanese since the time he cast himself out. The blade was a silver grey dull no light reflected from its lines. The guard itself was adorned in the scales of the shadow dragon from which came from its master. These scales seemed to glisten in the sun with a redish tint like blood. Tanese then set out to test the will of the sword.

He was human but still moved with the speed and power of the dragons he came fast to the edge of the woods. It was then He saw a young fire dragon and his adult father. He yelled out from among the trees and bid the father to enter. Boosting to his son about foolish man and their weapons he ented the forrest. Tanese seizing the moment. struck violently in the heart of the dragon. The dragon howled in pain as the sword pierced his scales and entered deep in his body. Tanese reveled in delight as the light from the dragon left his eyes and died upon the floor. As the sword was pulled from the carcuss the soul of the dragon entered deep in the sword swirling its magic with that of the shards themselves. The sword was now stronger and the power of fire was now a part of the sword. The echos of the Dragons pride also swirled in the blade and called to the hostto fight shed and destroy all the vermin tyhat did him wrong. Then Tanese seeing the youth quake with fear flew to him and spared him of his head. It to entered the sword.

Tanese decided as human he could move freely and in doing so knew he needed more than a sword so from the remains of the fallen dragons he forged armor to protect him. Even though he was angry and bitter it was still held in honor that dragon armor was a source of pride that the fallen even though they were dead should protect the wearer, however in this case it was not a gift. The armor now wrapped around his body and protected all areas of vulnerability. The only thing not made was a helmet for it was pride that one know whom they were fighting.

It would be many a year that Tanese would strike at would be seekers near the woods. They would come in both pride and weariness. Soon however noone came to the woods. It was considered a unholy place filled with death and evil magic. The elders called the ban a need of survival. It was then the Elders took a long meeting to organize a strike against the killer. They believed it to be work of an unholy wizard who used the spells to drive the dragon to kill themselves. Not even the orb with all its power to see the past could not fortell the events of the dead dragons and their remains.

As the death toll became to great the elders. decided a full strike against the killer must happen now and end quickly. So in turn the elders organized a force of their best and bravest warriors. Some would go in as man others as dragons. They would travel by the skys above and the ground below. They came as legion among the woods. They scourched the trees to limit the protection so that the traveler would be seen and heard and killed. So they thought at least.

The trees were burning and the waters boiling. The sky was dark with storm clouds. and the earth rumbled with the stomping of giants. Tanese was already awaiting them for the sword was now able to give him limited power from other dragonic clans. He had forseen a strike and prepared long in advance in the ways he was taught. The preperations were made and Tanese saw to every detail. The land was primed for blood, Tanese was primed with hate , and the dragons were primed for revenge.

Tanese struck first the sky for without them the world could not be watched. He lashed out and the cries from the dragons was heard by all. The others hurried in vain to save thier brethren but as the came to the fight it was two late three dragons were slain and four were wounded. The Dragons of frire blew with all their might in unison but it was no use. Tanese had gotten behind one and cut his back to his neck spun around and cut off his head. He then leapt inot the air striking the belly of another and falling to earth again. He let his shadow magic take stride as he went from dark corner to dark corner he sliced the feet of two more dragons and hurried to another. the sword collecting all the essance of the dragons gave him more strength and hatred. He was now seeming as if like a light. The royal dragons gathered round in a dreaded crown formation and began to spray the breaths and auras. Tanese leaped in the circle and began to slice the dragons one after the other. Some lost a wing others they lost half thier mouths for as they opened then he sliced them off. The royals leader was sliced from bottom of moth to top severing his head in two. The royals drew back in retreat.

The next to gather was the storm dragons using lightning as thier guide called forth all the power of thunder and rain. They too were no match for Tanese for in their power he was revitalized. With renewed strength he gathered around them and spun in a circle and faster he went. He spun until he was a vortex of sharpness and cut down the dragons from the heart. Six now lied dead to the ground. the thunder stopping around them just there was Tanese in the armor of the fallen. He looked to the sky and flew up and stuck down those fleeing to the clouds to regroup.

The dragonmen faired no better for as man they were nimble but still no match for a overly powerful Tanese. He swept to them with their weapons drawn clashed steel and shard against the wind. The steel and wood crumbled and splintered and in the end he drove the sword in their chest. As an act of defilement he cut from them one foot and one arm and watched them crawl on the ground as they tried to form as a dragon he cut off thier wings in sadistic pleasure. The other dragon men too fought hard but he would simply grab them up and cut them in half. The dragonmen fired arrows but to no avvail for he was too quick for the shafts and simply came behind them and ran them through. The dragonmen warriors were almost all but gone and decided to retreat.

Now at last the mightest warriors began to come forward those waiting for the killer to weaken and tire. Good strategy although this left Tanese with a sense of ironic justice and it was then he saw the bullies of his youth. He now with all the hatred form the past and the rumors lashed at full force. The had leader he cut all for limbs and kept his body alive while he destroyed the others. Then at last he returned to keep the body alive and to torture his victim with all the sorrow one could harbor. The atracities performed on him were to ill to speak for he defiled and scorned this dragon until at last he could endure no more and died. Before he passed however Tanese let him know who he was and in the eyes of the dragon shame had finally seen its course.

The attack now a failure left everyone in retreat the wounded were not able to be gathered for as they tried Tanese came and killed them with quick blows to the heart and mind. The defeated raced back into the land of dragons and went to report to the Elders. The elders had all gasped that one lone warrior was able to kill so many. They sat back and tried for a plan of salvation but with so many fallen the Land was hardly protected as they entered in a state of meditation an outcry from the border had came to the halls. Tanese had returned now with his rage quelled he walked among the streets of his youth. He remembered the shops and the people that dwelled within. He then recalled his shame and it again hardened his heart. He was no longer the same gental Tanese he was now as the blade Silverbeak the Untame. He walked the streets only saying a few words those who wish to live please run. And they did so right to the cathedral of the Dragoness.

He now breaching the city and entering the sacred place the Cathedral. Tanese saw the blade glisten with a black aura. The elders had all left the sactum for something a little safer. As Tanese cam tot he center he looked up at the statue of the Dragoness thanking her for the gift she unwillingly bestowed upon him. It was then he heard it. The sound of steps comming to the hall. The sound louder with each movement made him brace his sword and clutch in defensive stance. "I know you" replied the voice. "I remember well the events of that day that set this all in motion. Tanese of the shadow to this day I do not understand your motives as well as your reason for a take over yo plotted so long ago." There standing before Tanese was the mightiest of all elders second only to the Dragoness. "I see the sword is also made of the shards of our creator. I had tried hard to keep all the shards from falling to the world and fianlly at last our creator has found away not to have such things. I have failed in keeping them from evil hands but I shall not fail in this mission.".

The swords gleamed now one black the other silver two different purities but pure none-the-less. The warriors posed and suddenly struck. The two swords crashing against one another. Neither giving up speed to the other. It was a long bitter fight. The powers of each sword were maxed and in turn both were equal. The two warriors danced around the Cathedral both with hopes of winning for a cause greater than themselves. As the two swords clashed the souls of al the dragons began to speak to each warrior. Bitter saddened angry. Also hopeful and cheerful. As the souls talked each warrior knew the cost for which they were paying. The swords were now just flickers against the air sparking and crashing about. The elder warrior had seen the might of his foe and was hearty for he had never faced such an opponent. However the elder was a better warrior and it was in this that his sword plummeted in the chest of Tanese. Tanese fell to his knee and gasped. The elder still holding the hilt of his sword drove it further up and in. As Tanese dropped his dark blade the elder pulled him close. "Never before was I so wrong about a dragon. I thought you were kind and honest. I never once believed the rumors for which you were accused. And here I stand now cursing my own soul for doubting the wisdom of my fellow elders. You have caused more pain and in ways I wish i had been able to reverse time just to kill you before you harmed so many others. Iam ashamed to have tried to recall the vote and to try to find you to let you know you indeed were in line for eldership. Heh even wise wyrms get a lesson in the ways of the world every know and then."

As Tanese sank to the floor the elder picked up the black blade and impaled it. These were the last moments Tanese ever saw. In his mind He cried for he was so very wrong. Now nothing could be done to change it. He was alone shamed and dying. In his last moments he took the blade from his stomache and wedged it deeper and more up. Speaking only these words "Please forgive me brethren" and he died. As he slumped at last to the floor the dark blade glowed a silver aura and from the scales of the gaurd arose the essance of all the fallen. It had gathered in the Cathedral chamber and formed a golden mist. Once the mist was gone the elder wyrm picked up the dark sword and held it next to his. In this moment the two blades were now one coursing each other until all was fused. At last all had been reunited. The elder sheathing the new blade walked out the cathedral to take a long rest. Still the champion of the people and a true Hero to be remembered for all time.