Hatchie Haven

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The Second Life sim on which Hatchie Haven is physically located.

Hatchie Haven is a region especially created to cater to the needs of Daryth's wyrm hatchling and hedgehog avatars.

Hatchie Haven Locations

Hatchie Haven has the following major locations of interest:

  1. The Market Place
  2. The Playpen
  3. Pirates Cove & Temple of Peng-Ra
  4. Hells Hatchies Roadhouse
  5. Gnarlee Forest & Murble Gardens Park
  6. Pony Valley (Fancy Hatchie Pony Club)


The Market Place

Walking through from the Limbo Marketplace leads into the Hatchie Haven Marketplace.

The Market Place is a two level mall set in a gap between the entrance hills into Hatchie Haven. The market place will offer many interesting items for Hatchling's and their tiny friends, these include outfits, accessories, toys and houses.

Stalls in the marketplace are available for rent.

If a busy day shopping has tired you, there are seats at the Marketplace to sit and copies of the IoW Herald. Otherwise there is much to explore in the rest of the Hatchie Haven..

Leading from the Marketplace are several paths, one leading south and another leading west up into the central mountains. But the first stop is the Playpen directly next to the Marketplace.


The Playpen is an area where visitors can come to play and party. Many amusements are offered here, the ground level area will host various events including Hatchling Egg Roll competitions. Above the ground area are sky-platforms for a Sandbox area, a Go-Kart raceway and Bumper Boats. Teleports provide transport between these areas.

The Playpen area is access limited to members of the HH Citizens group only, contact Aradia Aridian or Apollo Aridian for an invite into this group.

Following the west bound path up into the central mountains from the Playpen leads to Hobbit Hollow.

Hobbit Hollow

As you crest the rise is Hobbit Hollow. Located in the side of the hill face are eight Hobbit style abodes.

Apartments at Hobbit Hollow are available for rent.

Continuing on the path from Hobbit Hollow leads down a steep incline into Pirates Cove.

Pirates Cove & Temple of Peng-Ra

Pirates Cove

Pirates Cove is a quiet fishing village surrounded on all sides by mountains. A deep cleft allows water-borne access to the other dragon isles by a river which flows out of the north east side of the cove.

In the centre of the cove is a large pirate ship "the Black Sparrow" which has a luxury cabin and large area for events. Around the cove itself are nine villas which are available for rent.

Other prominent locations include "Bubba Hatchies" Gumbo Shack which offers many varied culinary delights from the stewpot and Madam Zephyr's House of Voodoo where potions and other rare items can be obtained.

The mountains to the north of Pirates Cove house the mysterious Temple of Peng-Ra. Not much is known of this temple except that it is a place of mystery and only the bravest hatchling dares cross the bridges to travel into the complex to find out what may be hidden inside.

North of Pirates Cove is Route 66 which leads past a picnic and service area to the Hells Hatchies Road house.

Hells Hatchies Road House

Hells Hatchies Road house

Situated high up on a ridge is the Hells Hatchies Road house. This is the club house for the Hell's Hatchies Biker group. The outside of the Road house features reserved parking for Hells Hatchies Hogs. No parking of mopeds is permitted. The Diner has facilities that would by envied by any 5-Star Michelin restaurant, featuring spotless lockable wash rooms, a fully stocked bar and entertainment. From the upstairs sitting area, the Road house has fabulous views of the Hatchie Haven sim.

The roadhouse also has seven rooms for rent by hog lovin' Hatchling's.

Across the ridge from the Road house is the Greeble Grove.

Greeble Grove

High in the central mountains and embedded amongst a Forest is Greeble Grove. This is a luxury multi-level 3 room complex, which was also featured in Burning Life 07.

The enclosed surroundings make for a private and secluded feel. Greeble Grove is available to rent

On the other side of the hills is Pony Valley.

Pony Valley

Fancy Hatchie Pony Club

Enclosed in the Valley between the central and eastern mountains is Pony Valley. This is the home to the Fancy Hatchie Pony Club where hatchling and tiny sized ponies in many different breeds can be purchased. A grazing area next to the building allows for the ponies to be seen in relaxing surroundings.

Heading out of the stable gates leads to the Gnarlee Forest.

Gnarlee Forest & Murble Gardens Park

Towering high in the middle of the lake stands the Gnarlee Forest. Within the branches of the Gnarlee Forest lay fourteen hatchling dens on multiple levels with connecting walkways. Watch where you step here, for here truly the hatchlings rule and parties abound.

Walking up the steep incline from Pony Valley leads up the path into Murble Gardens Park.

Murble Gardens park is a scenic area with tiny slides and swings. Many a hatchling can be found snoozing on the park benches and playing amongst the flower beds.

The path from Murble Gardens leads back to the Marketplace.

Other Locations

there are many other locations of interest within the Hatchie Haven sim. Not least of these are:

  • The Hatchie Haven Amphitheatre: a gathering area that can be equiped with a large video screen and stage area.
  • The Hatchie Haven Community Centre: a venue for hatchies to learn, socialise and play.