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Missing that Sailboat that you were keeping at the edge of your hoard? It's mast did make a wonderful back scratcher! Wonder what could have happened to it? I'd try looking around your hatchlings, they seem to smell like salt and sea recently.

A Guide to Sailing around the Isle

First an Intro

  • A list of Entry level sailboats
  • The Flying Tako
  • The Wee Tiny Tako
  • The Flying Fizz

These are all rez and ride models:

Bigger boats will be two pieces. A rezzed seating section for the skipper and guest, and then attachments the skipper wears for more ornaments and detail. SL physics are limited to vehicles 31 prims or less. The Skipper and/or guest will be used as one those prims.

For easier sim crossing try to avoid going over corners where multiple (more than two) sims meet.

Now onto sheets and iron:

Warning: If 3 or more hatchlings are in Dragon lake with sailboats, best give them a wide girth, as they may be playing bumper boats and testing underwater rams. Especially if they just sailed out of Pirate's Cove.

Smaller boats can easily maneuver in and out of the Dragon Lake, but only the Wee Tiny Tako will be able pass under the bridge at the North West inlet to the Dragon lake. Having some fish handy to toss to the sea serpent at the bridge might get you past it. Next, you'll be bravely sailing into Hatchie Haven's Pirate Cove. Well now you know why the bridge is set for hatchie runners. Arrrr! (Sims: Limbo, Cathedral, Tir na Nog, Hatchie haven)

If you head south in Dragon lake, you need have crew handy to jig sails and make the dog leg. Continue south you will pass the apartments with young dragons sunning themselves on the balconies. Are you brave enough to pass under the water fall? There a nice quiet spot if you drop the sea anchor in a hurry and slow your speed before hitting the back wall. (Sims: Limbo, Lethe)

Or you can turn port side before the apartments. The stream will take you east then turn north just a couple leagues. Bringing you to a channel on the port side leading back to Dragon Lake. This channel is a bit small, so to try tack into wind with anything bigger than 30 ft. Beyond the channel to Dragon Lake you will sail by a dock that I have seen a air ship docked at once. If it's there, it may be worth your time to lower the sails and cruise to admire it. (Sim: Lethe, Lyre, and Tir na Lir)

A couple leagues north you will find another inlet. Only the Wee Tako will fit beneath this bridge as well, but worth the trip. The inner cove is a quiet fishing spot not many have found untill this guide was written. (Sims: Tir na Lir, Tir Infernis)

Passing this inlet you find big seas to the east, for several leagues. Be prepared as you will run out of waters soon as hit Alurel. There seem be mer folk ruins here, though not seen any said mer folk. Guess we must have fished them all to extinction. South of Shea Sommni you find The Green, with no passable rivers. North you you find Vesuvius but only the very brave should sail around this sim. West and east of it is void and coral shores to the east. (Tor Galen being a closed sim) (Sims: Shea Insularum, Shea Temporis, Shea Sommni, Shea Desiderii)

Follow the isle north. Anything bigger than a wee tako should go around the east side the upcrop if you value you centerboards. Now turning port what looks like a second old volcano vent (Tir na Cre), follow the shore line and you find a nicely done snail statue. Must be the land of the wandering snails? There's little alcove for quiet fishing. (Sims: Tir Infernis, Tir na Cre, Tir na Seilide)

North of here you find lighthouse, only fools may try to sail between the lighthouse and mainland. There is a small inlet once you pass the lighthouse if you want some quiet time. North of here you have a big sea then some residential areas, you find big dragons dropping boulders here to break up the coral reefs currently blocking the passages, and aquatics dragging intact boulders away. (Sims: Tir na Seilide, Tir Realta Speir)

West of here you might find circling dragons and little ones. Follow the shore around and you have found the only way get a boat into the great Hedgetopia!