Hatchling Chronical Chapter 3

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Written and as told by Kath McGill

The beginning of The Hatchling Chronicle - starting with the hatching of Cormie and her siblings. Cormie realizes she is different than any dragon- she is covered with soft curly auburn hair all over her body, and her tiny wings. This difference may have deadly consequences When Last we left Cormie, she had discovered exploring the wyer and the hunting of small rats would fill her belly.

In her wanderings Cormie had the opportunity to overhear some of the other dragons. Most of them didn’t really care one way or the other regarding the affairs of certain hatchlings. Those who were long past their egg laying time or the older males would withdraw from the gathering of breeding females when clutch talk was prevalent. Cormie never forgot a voice though, no matter where she was in the Wyer she could always pick out Othelh’s voice and know how far away or how close she was to her.
It was with some surprise that Cormie over heard her mothers name being mentioned in conversation. Turning her head she pressed against the smooth rocks to listen as well as she could and slipped just a bit closer to hear what was being said.

“…Told Beatri that she would not get extra for that – thing. She must be sharing some of her own to keep it alive. If that’s the case, then, we are giving her too much. Perhaps the bite of her own hunger will help her see reason. Cut the rations in half for her cave.”

Cormie heard the other dragoness gasp. “But- Othelh! She has a whole cave of hatchlings- She’s not able to hunt- How will she feed them?’

A shiver went down Cormie’s back as her soft fur stood on end.

“She won’t be able to, and she will have to decide who will live, the perfect dragons, or that little monster of hers. Once that- things carcass is tossed onto the bone pile, then, we will increase her rations. But not until then. If that – thing- is still alive in two days, cut the rations in half again.’

“Othelh! That will starve all of them!.” The other dragoness gasped.

There was a cold chuckle from Othelh, “Do you really think * I * care what happens to a dragoness who defies ME? “ she sneered . “Do as I say, or your cave will be the next to have the rations cut!”

Cormie pressed into the shadows as she heard the scrape of dragon’s claws come closer. She knew it wasn’t the lumbering Othelh, and by staying to press her advantage to hear what was being said, Cormie had placed herself in a dangerous spot, she had no place but the shadows to hide. A week before when she was smaller, she could have disappeared, but now, she was a bit larger. She heard the scrape of the claws stop and the soft gasp of the younger dragoness. Cormie looked up, tears in her eyes at the looming head of the dragoness. The dragoness sighed and spoke in a low gentle tone. “I can’t go against her, no one can do you understand?” Seeing the small hatchling nod, the dragoness scooped her up with her wing claws and cradled her as she carried her back into the caves and away from Othelh. Whispering to Cormie she said before departing. “Not all – feel as she does…” she nudged Cormie back into the safety of the den. “though, we have no choice now, but to follow…”

To be continued…