Hatchling Chronicles Chapter 8

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Written and as told by Kath McGill

Aleppe followed the ridge of the mountain and saw at the base of it, a village. She hadn’t been out of the wyer for so long that it startled her to see the humans moving so close to the dragons home. “Perhaps this is why the dragons do not return when they hunt” she thought to herself as she flew down to the dirt road that ran through the village.

Sighing Aleppe saw the villagers running away from her as the dust settled from her landing. “Wait!!” she said, “Wait! I need a healer!!” she called out- but all the villagers heard was a roar coming from her – none of them spoke dragon. “Oh Bother!!” she sighed.

“You won’t find a healer here that would know how to help a dragon.” Said a voice not far from her head. Aleppe turned and saw a small black thing flapping about near her. It came to rest on the edge of the roof. “Where would I find one?” she asked curious if this small black thing was tasty to eat. It had been a long flight here.

"In the woods there is a human His name is Elidoras, who takes care of animals. He mended my wing once. I could find him for you if you would pay me.” Moving her head to look at this strange creature Aleppe sniffed him. “Yes… you would be good to eat…” she said nudging him.

“SQUAWK!!” the crow Meadian shouted “Ok! I get the hint! Don’t eat me!” With a flap of his wings he lead Aleppe deep into the woods to a glade where a young man with silver white hair and long robes was speaking to a small pony as he wrapped a strip of cloth around the paw of a small creature that he held carefully on his lap.

Beside Elidoras feet looked like a pair of jaws made from metal. His voice was soothing and kind. “See? In a rest days time her paw will be healed and she can return back to the forest. We should take care that you dear Ettie do not step in one of the hunters traps. She can not walk by herself, and will need care and to be kept warm. Do you think she would ride in my pocket for now?

“SQUAWK! You will need to bring his pony too- he does not leave him behind.” Taking great care Aleppe lifted the young man into her claw, and then took up Ettie in the other. She did not see the small hedge hog in his pocket. Burdened so, it took longer for her to fly back to the wyer.

She hoped she was not too late as she landed first on her Back legs, then lowered them down to the ground. She knew he could run, as would his pony after him. Taking a deep breath she turned and walked into the cave with the crow flying about her head squawking. She would have to trust that he would follow.

For a moment Elidoras stood very still. Half a dozen curious heads of dragons were regarding him from different cave openings on the cliff side. Several of them blinked, then withdrew into their caves. Reaching back he picked up Ettie’s reins and led him into the tunnel where the dragoness had entered. He followed the sound of Meadian squawking ahead and entered into a cave at the far end.

He saw a dozen tiny baby dragons all nestled next to their mother who was looking a pale shade of her beauty. He saw the dragon who had flown him there turn and walk from the cave. Elidoras went to Ettie and opened the saddle bag for a bowl to mix things in. He had no idea how his herbs would work on a dragon, but he knew he had to try something.

Muttering as he placed the herbs and bark in the bowl he went over to the water and drew some into it. Willow bark and dandy lion greens would help her rest, and strengthen her.

“Open your mouth please,” he said politely. He had no idea if she would understand what he said, but in a moment she did. He poured the bitter tea into her mouth and watched as she made a face at him. “Yes, I know its rather bitter, but it should help you feel better soon. He saw her sigh, and in a moment she closed her eyes.

He heard a noise from Ettie and turned around. There was a hatchling sitting on his back, and one on his head. Two were tugging on his reins and one was swinging from his tail. Ettie didn’t seem to mind in the least. Now all he could do was wait…

To be continued.