New Species (December 2006 Speculation)

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When wandering around the Dragon Isles there are places that give subtle hints as to the future of dragon-kind and there are helpful people eager to answer questions to the best of their knowledge. What follows here then is a fun exercise in guesswork about the future of the dragons and should not be taken as any kind of "official" announcement. All of these articles are collected together on the New Species Speculation page.


November in Review

Looking back it seems that the crystal ball was rather foggy as many of the things highlighted in the previous speculation failed to materialise. Still that's why we call it speculation and in true Darythian fashion this only means that a whole slew of other, largely unexpected things came to fruition instead.

Guides and Mentors

November seemed to be a month of recognition on the Dragon Isles with several people being assigned new roles in the IoW Citizens group:


  • Skye McArdle
  • Aradia Aridian
  • Grey Lock


  • Apollo Aridian

Sim Changes

It also proved to be a month of change on the Isles as Lethe was torn down and subsequently rebuilt with more residential space in the form of several tower blocks and sporadic plots of land to rent. Although the construction is not completed it is far enough along that many people have been able to move in and begin customizing their homes and all those little details and touches that we know and love are alive and well.

Snowy December

Winter in the Isles

Winter came over the isles in a flurry of drifting snow one night and all the little hatchies rejoiced at the chance to throw snowballs at the Elders. Sandboxes became snowboxes and the regular Drum Circle was crunchy underfoot. As well as the snow, some other surprises await:

Wyverns Could Be Closer?

The keen-eyed will note that the adult Wyvern eggs have moved from Daryth's personal sandbox/building area down to the Hatching Caves. Does this indicate their impending arrival or is the Great Dragoness merely being tidy? Only time will tell.

Cathedral and the Cathedral

A new sim appeared hovering near to the Isles and it did not take long to establish that this sim did indeed belong to the Isles and would soon become a new expanse for dragons to explore. While the sim is relatively flat and bare for now, it can only be a matter of time before the usual Daryth magic happens. The sim is called Cathedral (Slurl), which is not to be confused with the Cathedral.

Winter Solstice Release

The time is upon us again: time for another release of adult dragons. Some minor changes for this release are in effect and have been written about on the shiny new Solstice Survival Guide. One of the principal changes is that this release will take place in the new Cathedral sim (Slurl) as our dear Limbo has been seeing some odd stability problems of late.