Isle of Wyrms Summer Festival

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Isle of Wyrms Festival 2007

Come one come all to the Summer Festival held on the Isle of Wyrms over the first weekend in June. The Festival begins with a Grand Opening Ceremony on Friday night at 7pm SL time, with a speech from the current IoW Mayor and a concert from prominent SL musician and dragon enthusiast Cypress Rosewood.

The whole weekend will be underpinned by many ongoing small events and games, booths showcasing what the Dragon Isles are all about, as well as dragon rides and a Festival-long, Isles-spanning scavenger hunt, where lucky winners can claim a free dragon avatar. These small events and games will fit neatly in between a multitude of carefully planned major events.

As Saturday comes around, visitors will be treated to a Hatchie Egg Roll event. Followers of Daryth Kennedy's Wyrm Hatchling and Hedgehog avatars will be able to participate in an action-packed game where the object of the event is to knock all others out of the nest and be the last Hatchie or Hedgie standing! This event is almost as fun to be a spectator as it is to be a participant. There will be three rounds throughout the day and a final round to crown the King or Queen of Hatchie Egg Roll. Event times are 9am, 11am, 2pm and the final at 6pm SLT.

Also on Saturday will be a demo from the Dragons of Pern clan at 4pm SLT in the Tir Infernis sim featuring their specially designed dragon fireball combat system and an explanation of the depth and purpose of their clan. Prospective new members and dragon enthusiasts alike are welcome.

The day will conclude at 8:30pm SLT with a spectacular fireworks display on the Isles, coordinated by Talarus Luan and Atilla Drebin.

Sunday dawns with a Dragon Fashion Show at 12pm SL time, where creators are invited to bring their designs for a special in-person judged contest, and then the runways will open for the Citizens of the Isles to showcase the creations of fine Dragon designers.

The whole event will conclude at 6pm SL time with a fabulous Ball, complete with live streaming music and a King and Queen of the Ball impromptu-judged event. Below is a short breakdown of the timings of the weekend. For more information please Contact Kalira Stromer, Aradia Aridian or Apollo Aridian.

In our continuing support of St. Tiggywinkles Animal Hospital , All procedes, donations, and tips at the event are going towards Daryth's favorite charity.

Event Timetable

Grand Opening: Friday, June 1st

  • Speech from the IoW Mayor
  • Cypress Rosewood concert
  • Declare Scavanger Hunt officially open
Hunt will run for all 3 days (Whole Festival)
One prize per person
Covering the whole of the Dragon Isles (All sims)

Day 1: Saturday, June 2nd

  • Hatchie Egg Roll
3 Games plus a Finals round
First game will be at 9am SLT
Second game will be at 11am SLT
3rd game will be at 2pm SLT
Finals round will be at 6pm SLT
If a winner can't make it to finals round the first loser will be the new finalist
20 people per game, with pre-registration
Open to Council of Wyrm Hatchlings and IoW Avatar members only
  • Clan Demos
Dragons of Pern clan demo beginning at 4pm SLT in the Tir Infernis sim
The Secrit Hatchie will have a raid on the festival too (Surprise timing)
  • Fireworks show at 8:30pm SLT done by Talarus Luan and Atilla Drebin

Day 2: Sunday, June 3rd

  • The Dragon Fashion Show starting at 12pm SLT
Starting with am in-person judged design contest
Then designers showing off their latest designs
Models chosen from the IoW Community
  • The Dance/Ball at 6pm SLT (Live music played by (undecided))
King and Queen of the Ball, in-person judged event sometime during the Ball
  • Possible charity auction (Undecided at this time)
  • Many small events, games, booths, dragon rides, etc, happening round the clock