Tir na Lir - A visitor's Guide

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Tir na Lir – A Visitor’s Guide

Tir na Lir is a public sim, providing some good trekking opportunities

You'll find some photographs at:


This is one of a series of walks that start in Limbo at the sundial in the NE corner;-


So, we begin in the attractive birch and apple woodland of North east Limbo, and follow the mossy cobbled trail up the hill in a North Easterly direction.

( a hint for newcomers – always have your Mini-Map open as an easy reference for position and direction)

Entering Tir na Lir

As we climb out of Limbo we come to a fork in the road, and we take the right turn, towards the dome of the Guild Hall that we can see on the skyline. We go through the pass into Tir na Lir, and begin to descend into another wooded valley, the tall narrow shapes of Lombardy poplars predominating here, with just a few birches to remind us of Limbo.

A gap in the cobbled trail, and to our right, a clump of large red Fly Agaric toadstools marks our arrival at the Guild Hall.


The Guild Hall

Riders and cyclists might want to dismount and explore the building, home to the Guild of Artisans and Craftsfolk here in the Isle of Wyrms. An incentive to visit is the free “Modder’s Buddy” on the wall on the right as you enter the building. As is often the case in key buildings in the islands, a number of informative notecards are available from placards on the walls here.

The interior of the building is light and airy, with a floor of mosaic similar to that in Cathedral. Citrus trees and ornamental plants proliferate, adding to the pleasant atmosphere, and scenting the air with blossom. A mysterious, faintly steampunk device whirrs in the centre of the room, and is useful in indicating direction to the visitor. I’m sure it has other purposes, but I don’t know what they are.

Stairs lead down to a lower chamber. There are offices here for Event Planning, the Isle of Wyrms Herald (available from dispensers in the building), and the Guild Hall itself. A fourth office awaits a user.

This graceful circular building, beneath its verdigrised copper dome is well worth a visit, and is the focus of much of the Isle of Wyrms’ creative effort.

The Journey Continues, after Diversions

We leave the Guild Hall to continue our journey, but I hope the reader will permit me a minor diversion at this point

A walk to


South West from the Guild Hall entrance takes us back into Limbo. We can climb the hill for an excellent view across Limbo. You did remember your camera, didn’t you?

We return to the front of the Guild hall, and pick up the trail again, heading South East. We climb up to the top of a rise, and then leve the path, heading South. We soon see a rope bridghe over the water to Lyre, taking us in the general direction of the Temple of Bast. Returning to the path, we descend down the other side of the summit, passing the Guild Hall to our left, and noticing more of the characteristic poplars. We then arrive at another junction, accompanied by a distinct improvement in the quality of the trail surface!


Picnic Spots and a Bridge

However, we first turn right, back onto the cobbles for another short diversion. The trail descends steeply to the water’s edge, where it used to ends abruptly. However, this trail has found a purpose again with the construction of a solidly handsome wooden lifting bridge. A handy looking fishing platform is not far away on the far shore, an area which otherwise remains quiet and unspoilt.

We retrace our steps through the rugged landscape, regaining the height we lost and coming back to the junction. The unexplored trail lies ahead, and we follow it in a Northerly direction. The quality of the trail here is excellent and we make easy progress through the wooded hills, coming at last to another fork in the way. We leave no stone unturned in our exploration, so we turn right, heading East and descending. The trail is till a good one, and we arrive at the waterside to see a vista of tree covered islands reflected in the sea. A pretty secluded spot, this, perfect for a picnic or a rest. For now though, after a quick look we turn round to head back to the junction. Once there we carry on North-West, seeing a bridge before us. We cross it, noting that it is the twin of the bridge we encountered in Limbo. We also notice, as we leave the bridge, that we have crossed into Tir Infernis, and with that, this Guide has reached its conclusion.