Dragon FAQ (portuguese)

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E não gosto dos anéis de fumaça, como posso retirá-los?

(Traduzindo - translating) The smoke rings are emitting from 2 invisible spheres, one over top of each nostril. To get rid of the smoke rings, drop your head on the ground, and go into Edit Linked Parts mode. Find and select the spheres above each nostril, then (with –only- these 2 prims selected) un-link them from the head [ctrl-shift-L]. Once they’re unlinked, delete them and Take your head back into your inventory.

Depois de resetar os scripts, eu tenho um par extra de asas e cauda aparecendo?

When you reset the scripts, all of the wing & tail prims reset their transparency to 0 (this is normal, and necessary.) To get them back to normal, simply lift off an fly for a moment, then land again. This will trigger the scripts to show and hide the appropriate parts.

Ack,meus olhos estão todos escamados!! O que eu faço?

Eye textures no longer change automatically based on the color of button you click, so you need to apply an eye-texture to your eyes. In the new HUD, there are 3 pages of textures and colors available. Textures for eye, spines, fins and claws can all be found on page 2 (click the yellow “2” button right of your color/texture panel). Page 3 contains a random assortment of non-standard scale patterns.

Eu baguncei as cores originais, como faço para elas voltarem?

The easiest way to get back to the original colors is to grab another copy of your dragon from your egg.

Minha cabeça desapareceu e eu comecei a flutuar quando vesti meu dragão/Wyrmling!?

This happens when you’re Saddle is in the same folder you are wearing. If so, put the saddle in an extras folder and your problem should be solved. When you want to use your saddle, drop it on the ground and sit on it.

Eu estou recebendo a mensagem de NULL_KEY error quando tento trocar as texturas!?

No, your dragon is not broken, its actually the HUD that’s malfunctioning. This can happen if you drop it, reset script, or sometimes it just happens randomly. Anytime you get this error, delete that HUD and grab a new one from the vendors in the cathedral. If for any reason you can’t find the proper HUD, please IM Daryth Kennedy for a replacement. Do not accept second-hand HUDs: even though they appear to be full-perms and can be given away, a HUD given to you by another dragon will -not- work correctly.

Os botões para asas e texturas do dragão ficam desaparecendo, por que não posso mudá-los?

Most of the textures used for the wings are very specific to the wing-shape, and have been precisely placed & aligned. Because of this, the different wing textures are not interchangeable (because the dragon-texturing button would effect wing texture as well, it is also disabled). You are welcome to set your own wing textures manually, just remember to keep the original copy as well.

Why do I get a feature-disabled message when I try to change transparency?

Because there’s still a human inside your AV under all the attachments, any sort of transparency on your dragon Scales lets this human be seen, and thus was disabled as it doesn’t look very good.

How do I use my own custom texture on my dragon?

Without dropping your HUD or anything, just go into Edit Linked Parts mode (with position selected, not texture) and select one of the oval texture-buttons. Try to pick one you like the least, as you’ll be over-writing it. Just change the whole buttons texture to anything from your inventory, and then close edit mode. Click your button once you have changed it, and it’ll automatically apply the texture to any dragon parts you’d like.

Why should I not drop the HUD? Why does it break if I reset the scripts?

For the custom texture features to work, the HUD itself is full permissions. Some of the scripts inside the HUD however are not full perms. If the HUD is dropped it will re-think its permissions based on the things inside it, and it will no longer be full-perms when its picked up. Resetting the scripts breaks the HUD in a similar manner.

I see the eggs for loading patterns in the HUD, how do I make my own pattern?

Currently, if you’d like to make and load your own pattern, the easiest way is to copy one of the notecards from the root-prim of the HUD to your inventory. You can re-name and change any of the notecard values, then drop it back into your HUD and load it.

My sounds aren’t working, what’s wrong?

The dragon sound emitters are now a separate attachment. IF your dragon isn’t making any sound, its possible you’re not wearing the attachment [ Dragon ] Sound Emitter. If you cant find an object like this in your egg, IM Daryth Kennedy for a copy.

I lag really bad and crash into things anytime I cross a sim border, whats wrong?

This is caused by an SL issue, based on the number of prims in your Av. The best way to survive this glitch is to let-off the controls at any sim-border as soon as things start getting out of control, and just wait till everything re-aligns. Basically, try to give SL as few key-presses as after you cross a border (while its thinking about where you should end up), and you should appear on the other side of the border safely in a few moments. If you keep pressing keys after you cross a border, it tries to catch-up those commands after its done thinking, and can launch you into the opposite corner of the sim.

Anytime a rider hops on my saddle, horrible things happen, is my saddle broken?

The most common cause for this is AO’s, shields and security devices worn by the rider. Any sort of physics or flight-altering device will interfere with the saddle. Getting your rider to change into a low-prim basic AV with no extra features will generally fix this, as well as reduce any extra lag during flight.

How do I become a member of the Council of Wyrms/Wyrmlings/Hatchlings?

The first step is to purchase one of the Dragon Avatars from the Cathedral. Once you are the owner of one of the avatars, you should wait 24 hours to see if you receive a group membership invite automatically. If you have not received one after that time, please try the following:

  • For Wyrms (Full-size Adult dragons) you should remember to Register your egg by rezzing and touching it and clicking the appropriate button on the popup dialog. If you do not receive an invite to this group within 24 hours of registering your egg, please IM Daryth Kennedy, Onix Harbinger or Talarus Luan in-world to request an invitation to Council of Wyrms.

In all cases, please be prepared to display your avatar or your original dragon egg as proof of purchase.