Limbo Sandbox (IoW)

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Isle of Wyrms Sandbox as of 3rd Quarter 2007

The Community Sandbox on the Isle of Wyrms is a Dragon friendly area for small to medium construction projects, modifications and scripting. It is located in Limbo, to the south of the Isle of Wyrms' Cathedral.

It aligns with the traditional uses of sandboxes in Second Life; it is a place to construct and be creative. Along side its popularity as building grounds, it is also used as a meeting place and forum for discussion and occasionally becomes the location for events.

  • Visit the Sandbox Inworld (SLurl)

Group Membership Needed to Build

The sandbox is currently set that only members of the Isle of Wyrms Citizens group can build. Please refer to Becoming an IoW Guest for details on how to become a member of the Isle of Wyrms Citizens group.

Please note: Auto-return is turned off! - Please tidy after yourself!

You will need to have Isle of Wyrms Citizens set as you active group for you "Build" button to be highlighted.

Rules for All

Anyone is welcome to build at the sandbox provided they are respectful of the rules and the builders around them. Please remember that the sandbox is provided as a courtesy to residents and should be respected as a privileged resource. There are rules governing the usage of and behaviour in the sandbox. Please take a moment to read these simple guidelines: